Practice Areas

The Law Office of Dana Leigh Cisneros handles a wide variety of civil (as opposed to criminal) matters. We represent both Plaintiffs and Defendants; but above all, we represent business and people, just like you.

Some of our areas of practice are

  • Real Estate Law
    • Unlawful Detainer
    • Escrow Disputes
    • Construction Defects
    • Mechanic’s Liens
    • Boundary Disputes
    • Failure to Disclose (Broker/Agent Liability and Errors and Omissions)
    • Breach of Contract
    • Rescission
    • Trespass
    • Nuisance
  • Civil Litigation
    • Business Litigation
    • Fraud
    • Breach of Fiduciary Duties
    • Breach of Contract
    • Injunctions
    • Construction Defect Litigation, including Complex Cases
    • Torts
      • Negligence
      • Personal Injury
      • Defamation
      • Conversion
      • Injuries to Animals
    • Employment Law
  • Mediation and Arbitration
  • Appeals
    • State Court Appeals in California
    • Federal Court Appeals up to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
  • Corporate Law